Emergency Dentistry

Emergency Dentistry

Whatever your emergency may be, Raviteja's Orthodontic and Dental Care will be sure to see you as soon as possible for a variety of dental emergencies including:

  • A broken tooth
  • A loose or lost tooth
  • An abscess
  • Swelling
  • Throbbing pain
  • Extreme sensitivity

Contact Us As Soon As Possible

If you believe you have a dental emergency during our office hours, please call us. We will do our best to see you as soon as possible. Raviteja’s Orthodontic and Dental care will evaluate your emergency and provide the best care to get you out of pain as fast as we can.

Emergency Care at Home

Until we are able to see you in the office, here are some common dental emergencies and how to handle them.

Lost or broken tooth

If your tooth is broken or out completely attempt to place it carefully back in the socket but be sure to not touch the root. If that’s not possible, put the tooth in milk and bring it to the office as soon as possible—ideally within 30 minutes, so there’s a greater likelihood of the tooth being saved.

A toothache

A toothache can be the result of a cavity, impacted tooth, infection or injury. Until you can get into the office, our doctor recommends taking safe analgesic medication.

Bitten lip or tongue

It’s essential to carefully clean the area that’s been bitten with water. Next, apply a cold compress to bring relief. If you experience significant bleeding please seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible.